I struggle with constantly looking for opportunities and ways to be entertained. Whether it's going out with friends, doing something new, breaking the rules a bit or just being busy with a buch of random tasks...it is so hard to be STILL. I don't know about you, but I feel guilty, alone or sad if I am not going somewhere or doing something.
This isn't always a bad thing when it is stemmed out of a desire to please and worship God. However, most often it comes from my desire to please people, remain popular and just make sure everyone (including myself) knows that I am FUN, busy and worth investing time in.
As I was processing with God one day about my addiction to busyness and keeping up with the world around me, He blessed me with a vision that helped me to desire intimacy with Him more than I desire to keep up with the busy world around me. This picture involves a lazy river...the ride we enjoyed as a kid and the ride we still enjoy as adults:) In this vision there were:
three types of people:
1. People moving in the SAME direction as the current
2. People standing STILL
3. People walking the OPPOSITE direction of the current
Below is a description for each so you can know where you are in the pursuit of God versus going along with the ways of this world.
1. People moving in the SAME direction of the current
-coasting down the lazy river in an inner tube (comfort)
-are enjoying the pleasures of this world more than the God Who made them-(sex, over consuming alcohol, seeking positions/friendships that will make them popular…etc.)
-aren't concerned with their eternal destiny
-heading in the direction of eternal separation from God
-are enjoying the pleasures of this world more than the God Who made them-(sex, over consuming alcohol, seeking positions/friendships that will make them popular…etc.)
-aren't concerned with their eternal destiny
-heading in the direction of eternal separation from God
(This is what it looks like here on earth, but it actually leads toward eternal death.)
2. People Standing STILL
-see that they want a relationship with God more than a relationship with sin
-get off their inner tube (comfort) but have not started going against the current yet
-see that they want a relationship with God more than a relationship with sin
-get off their inner tube (comfort) but have not started going against the current yet
3. People walking in the OPPOSITE direction of the current
-begin walking toward God (opposite of the curent) and away from sin (with the current)
-building a relationship with God through reading His Word, talking to Him in prayer and are trusting Him with their life
leads to...
eternal perspective and hope in heaven
Apply this simple acronym to your everyday life, and watch yourself not just "float" down the river or "stand still", but have the COURAGE and STRENGTH to walk against the current.
-Your Emotions! Ask God to show you what emotions you are feeling and why.
Your Emotions to God! He already knows them.
Example- "I am tired of drinking and messing up with my boyfriend. I feel so defeated by this, but Lord, I want to follow You and not my sin."
Your emotions in Light of God's Word!
"Are my emotions in charge? What do they reflect about my beliefs about God?"
To replace your thinking and behavior with God's Truth.
"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."-2 Corinthians 3:17
I got this acronym from a Bible study called "Be Transformed". Going through "R.E.E.D" brings freedom because you are bringing LIGHT into the dark places in your life that are not based on Truth. Here are a few verses that have specifically helped me fight wanting to conform to the world's ways.
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." (Romans 12:2 NIV)
"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:5)
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